Servicing macarthur

Business Insurance

We provide financial clarity for you, moving forward in life

When you are in business there are important matters than can impact on your personal finances and have potential to directly affect your livelihood. There are a number of business insurances that should be considered among them:

Buy Sell Insurance – this is designed to provide financial security among business partners and their respective estates. In the event of a partner passing away, becoming critically ill or suffering a disability, buy sell insurance provides a financial payment that allows surviving business partners to buy out the deceased owner’s interests.

business insurance

The Benefits of SMSFs include

Key Man Insurance – this policy provides cover against business losses that may be incurred as a consequence of the prolonged absence or death of the business owner or a key member of staff.

Overheads Insurance – this provides peace of mind for meeting the ongoing commitments of business costs including wages, rent, loan repayments, utilities and other overhead expenditures required to keep a business going when a business owner suffers serious injury or illness.

Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

TPD Insurance cover provides a financial benefit for the insured when they suffer a disability that prevents them from working. Being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life would be a terrifying prospect for anyone. If you could never work again and needed someone to look after you permanently, how would you manage?

TPD cover pays a one-off lump sum of up to $5 million if you are totally and permanently disabled due to illness or injury. You can choose TPD cover as a stand-alone policy or combine it with your life insurance. You also elect to have cover through your superannuation.

You should consider cover if you:

  • Have a family or dependants
  • Have a mortgage or other debt
  • Would need money to live on if you couldn’t work again
  • Don’t have savings to cover unexpected expenses, for example: medical bills
  • Have a business or business partner, are self-employed, or you are a company director or key employee.