Grabowski Financial Planning Covid-19 Update

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At GFP, we can assist you through the maze of personal risk insurance such as life, income protection, critical illness, total and permanent disability, trauma and more


We understand that different things matter to different people, but having a retirement plan is important for each and every one of us. We will help you set up a plan for retirment that will help your super savings go a long way.



Budgeting, planning and forecasting is a process for determining and detailing an organization’s and personal, long- and short-term financial goals.


If you require any help using these tools, please contact us.


Streve Grabrowski - Grabrowski Financial Planning

Grabowski Financial Planning is a financial advisory business specializing in advice on Life Insurance, Retirement Planning and Superannuation.

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Steve Wisbey , Two Rocks Marketing & Communications

Over many years as an entrepreneur, businessman, marketer and fundraiser I’ve met a lot of people in our community that are working hard for their own business and the common good. I’ve known Steve Grabowski during this time and as a former President of Narellan Chamber of Commerce and he’s one of those kinds of business people. He’s got the big picture for the community, his business and he sees the big picture for his clients too. He’s honest and ethical and I believe the kind of person you’d want to look after personal financial planning.

Kathy McCormack, NSW Sales Manager, Kieley's Roofing World

Hi Steve,I just wanted to say thank you for all of your advice and assistance in arranging the consolidation of Marc’s superannuation accounts. It certainly is a relief to know that they have all been wrapped up into the one account. If I had known how easy it would be – I would have done it years ago!I have received my super statement for the end of June and I couldn’t be happier with the results. Over the years I have trusted your judgement and it has paid off. Even during the GFC I had complete faith that my financial interests were being looked after.The TPD Cover is a great idea and it gives me peace of mind knowing that I have that safety net in place should I suffer a serious injury or illness down the track.Dealing with you is easy – there is no hard sell, you explain everything in easy to understand terms and you are knowledgeable and totally transparent in your dealings. There are no hidden surprises in the way of fine print or unexplained fees. But most important is that I consider you trustworthy and for me, this is the key.Thanks again for all of your help and advice over the years.

Susan Hadfield , Principal/Licensee, Family Conveyancing Practice

Thank you for taking the time to help me with my Superannuation and Personal Insurance products. I have found GFP to be, friendly and extremely efficient in their product knowledge and the ability to work under pressure to meet deadlines.I have found difficulties when dealing with other financial planning organisation. However since dealing with Stephen Grabowski from GFP I found new confidence that exceeded above my expectations and would recommend anyone who needs a trustworthy, honest and reliable financial planner to call Grabowski Financial Planning.

Adrian Tyson

Steven Grabowski has gone above and beyond to ensure that my financial affairs are optimised for the seven years that I have worked with him. Steve has always been accommodating to my conservative position on markets and risk and has never pressured me into products or higher risk positions on investments and superannuation. Grabowski Financial Planning also quickly and efficiently completed my latest tax return so that my refund was back in my pocket quicker. Steven also ensured that my insurances were optimally set up to cover my family for all possibilities in the future.

Suzanne Medway , President, Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia

Patrick and I originally met Stephen when he took over managing the funds for the Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia. Previous to Stephen’s involvement, the return on our investments was negligible. Under Stephen’s stewardship the Society’s investments grew considerably. When Stephen left Colonial First State we had no hesitation in transferring our investments at the appropriate time to the company that Stephen had just joined.Our invested funds weathered the Global Financial Crisis and when the recovery came about Stephen quickly grew our investments again.When Stephen made the decision to establish his own firm, we once again had no hesitation in continuing with him as our financial manager.We feel that the Society’s investments have been in safe hands and have no hesitation in endorsing Stephen as a trustworthy and extremely competent financial manager.

Mark and Jenny

We have been clients of Steve’s for 7 years and would like to express our complete satisfaction with the service he has given during that time. He has provided us with up to the minute investment information and recommendations regarding our superannuation and overall financial position.

We have recently retired and the strategies he put in place over the years, which he monitored and changed as necessary, have enabled us to reach our goals and, in our opinion, we will enjoy a comfortable retirement.

We have always found Steve accessible, professional and efficient in the services provided to us and do not hesitate in recommending him to our family and friends.















At GFP, we can assist you through the maze of personal risk insurances such as life, income protection, critical illness, total and permanent disability, trauma and more.

Our team of specialists will advise on the appropriate risk cover for you in view of your tax, superannuation and investment strategies. We can arrange specialised cover for your business, company directors and practising professionals.

An often forgotten yet crucial function of our risk service is managing and guiding you through any claims process. You can rely on our expertise, experience and long-standing relationships to expeditiously achieve the best outcome for your claims.

We are about results:

We have done the hard work for you – we have outstanding relationships with Australia’s top insurers.

Our research team ensures that only quality insurance providers and products with clearly defined terms and conditions pass our compliance checks. We are not aligned with or tied to any financial institution, meaning we are not manoeuvred to favour any product.

Whether you are single, married, have dependents or run a business, life insurance can play a crucial role in ensuring protection and providing financial peace of mind for you and your loved ones. Life insurance can help to:

  • Provide support for dependents
  • Cover any rent or mortgage obligations
  • Payout debts or credit cards
  • Cover estate costs
  • Pay out of pocket medical expenses
  • Help with covering ongoing living or business costs


An SMSF is one where you, as a trustee and member, have responsibility over the management, investment and administration of your self managed super fund. SMSFs are quite different from other super funds because they’re run by you, for you and any other members of your SMSF. SMSFs are established for the purpose of building retirement savings.

SMSF structures can be quite simple or complex depending on your needs. There’s a lot to consider, but you can outsource aspects, such as administration, to save you time and free you up to focus on what’s important to you.

However, self-managed retirement plans aren’t for everyone – particularly if you have lower super balances or don’t have the capacity to act as a trustee of the fund. That’s why it is important to seek advice.

The benefits of SMSFs include:

  • Greater control over your super, as you make the key decisions and you’re in charge of where you invest your money.
  • Flexibility and choice. You construct your fund’s investment strategy and enjoy more investment choice. The choice of investments in SMSFs is far greater than
  • what other super arrangements can offer. You can invest in property, direct shares, cash, term deposits and more.
  • Costs. You are in control of what services you require and how much you pay for them.
  • Tax advantages. There are potential tax savings in SMSFs depending on your personal circumstances and investment strategy.
  • Pool your super with family or other members of the fund, for potential cost savings.
  • The potential to borrow to buy a property within your super fund.
  • nsurance can be included in your SMSF to protect your income and assets, for example life insurance, total and permanent disability (TPD) and income protection.
  • Planning for when you’re not around, by specifying who you want to leave your money to.


Budgeting, planning and forecasting is a process for determining and detailing an organization’s and personal, long- and short-term financial goals.

Budget Planning is the key to financial freedom.

  • Planning – outlines your financial direction and expectations for the next 12 month to three, five years and to retirement.
  • udgeting – documents how the overall plan will be executed month to month, specifying expenditures.
  • Forecasting – uses accumulated historical data to predict financial outcomes for future months or years.

Budget Planning may not sound like the most exciting thing in the world to do, but it is vital in keeping your financial house in order. Before you begin to create your budget it is important to realize that in order to be successful you have to provide as much detailed information as possible. Ultimately, the end result GFP will be able to show where your money is coming from, how much is there and where it is all going.


It is among the most important insurances available today. Income Protection provides financial benefits that can generally replace up to 80% of your income in the event of serious illness or an accidental injury that prevents the policy holder from working. Income Protection Insurance usually provides cover 24/7 for illness and injuries that occur at work or at home. Income Protection Insurance can provide regular payments of ‘income’ until retirement age.

Being ill or injured is difficult enough, without the financial pressure of not being able to earn an income. You can protect your income and maintain your lifestyle. GFP planning will be able to taylor a product that suits your needs and more importantly, within your budget. GFP will be able to provide the information you need to make informed insurance decisions.

Business Overheads Cover:

This cover is a form of income protection that helps pay for business expenses if a business owner is unable to work due to sickness or injury. The benefit will cover the regular fixed operating expenses of a business if self-employed, or an income generating member of a small business.


When you are in business there are important matters than can impact on your personal finances and have potential to directly affect your livelihood. There are a number of business insurances that should be considered among them:

Buy Sell Insurance – this insurance is designed to provide financial security among business partners and their respective estates. In the event of a partner passing away, becoming critically ill or suffering a disability, buy sell insurance provides a financial payment that allows surviving business partners to buy out the deceased owner’s interests.

The benefits of SMSFs include:

Key Man Insurance – this insurance policy provides cover against business losses that may be incurred as a consequence of the prolonged absence or death of the business owner or a key member of staff.

Overheads Insurance – this insurance provides peace of mind for meeting the ongoing commitments of business costs including wages, rent, loan repayments, utilities and other overhead expenditures required to keep a business going when a business owner suffers serious injury or illness.

Total and Permanent Disability Insurance

TPD Insurance cover provides a financial benefit for the insured when they suffer a disability that prevents them from working. Being confined to a wheelchair for the rest of your life would be a terrifying prospect for anyone. If you could never work again and needed someone to look after you permanently, how would you manage?

TPD cover pays a one-off lump sum of up to $5 million if you are totally and permanently disabled due to illness or injury. You can choose TPD cover as a stand-alone policy or combine it with your life insurance. You also elect to have cover through your superannuation.

You should consider cover if you:

  • Have a family or dependants
  • Have a mortgage or other debt
  • Would need money to live on if you couldn’t work again
  • Don’t have savings to cover unexpected expenses, for example: medical bills
  • Have a business or business partner, are self-employed, or you are a company director or key employee.


Advances in medical technologies are helping people to survive serious illnesses. While Life Insurance pays one single benefit upon your passing, Trauma Insurance provides a financial benefit on diagnosis of a serious illness such as cancer, heart disease or stroke, to provide the funding you need for treatment, rehabilitation and payment of day to day living expenses during your illness and recovery.


The process of determining retirement income goals and the actions and decisions necessary to achieve those goals. Retirement planning includes identifying sources of income, estimating expenses, implementing a savings program and managing assets. Future cash flows are estimated to determine if the retirement income goal will be achieved.

There are many things to consider when planning for retirement, but the biggest question of all is: ‘can I afford to retire?’

Is $1 Million enough or do I need more. Everyone is different.
To find the answer, A GFP Planner will first consider how well you want to live during your retirement. We will look at your spending habits and this will influence how much money you need to accumulate in preparation for retiremen

How long am I likely to live? (in order to estimate how long your income needs to last) How will I manage increases in the cost of living?

If investing in shares, how can I protect my income against the effects of adverse market movements?
All of these things can affect how long your retirement savings last. The earlier you start planning for retirement the sooner you can retire.


While most people have given some consideration to their legacy, most have never put it in writing, and even fewer have established a plan of action.

Most people think of legacies as inheritances they leave in their will; after they are gone. Estate Planning achieves the effective and efficient transfer of wealth to the next generation.

Legacy is a collage of your actions, contributions and achievements. Positive or negative, big or small, what you do, give and accomplish defines your legacy. Legacy Planning helps you discover ways to use your time, talent and money to make a lasting impression on those you love and the causes you believe in.

Living legacies are a hidden gem that few consider or know about. Living legacies can range from philanthropic planning to passing along family values to engaging family and community. They allow you to see the impact your generosity has on your favorite charities, your family, your business and your community. We have a myriad of tools to help you plan your legacy. Legacy Planning, is so much more than Estate Planning.


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Entering aged care – 5 key questions

Entering aged care – 5 key questions

Entering aged care is a significant decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Key questions to address include: What are the costs associated with different types of aged care, and how will they impact your finances? What services and support are provided, and do they meet your specific needs? How will the chosen facility ensure your comfort and quality of life? What are the eligibility criteria and application process for accessing aged care? Finally, how does the facility’s location and environment align with your preferences for proximity to family and familiar surroundings? Thoroughly evaluating these aspects can help ensure a smooth transition and a positive experience in aged care.

Where to start with personal insurance

Starting with personal insurance involves evaluating your unique needs to ensure comprehensive protection for yourself and your family. Begin by identifying the types of coverage essential for your situation, such as life insurance, income protection, or trauma cover. Assess your financial responsibilities, such as debts and living expenses, to determine the appropriate amount of coverage. Research various insurance policies and providers to find those that offer the best fit for your needs and budget. Finally, review and adjust your insurance coverage regularly to reflect changes in your circumstances or financial goals, ensuring ongoing protection and peace of mind.


Investing in property offers a tangible asset that can provide both income and potential appreciation. Property investments can include residential, commercial, or industrial real estate, each with unique benefits and risks. Key factors to consider include location, market conditions, and the potential for rental income or capital growth. Conducting thorough research and analysis helps in making informed decisions about property value, rental yields, and future developments. Balancing property investments with other asset classes can create a diversified portfolio that supports long-term financial stability and growth.

Cash Investing

Cash investing involves placing your funds in low-risk, liquid assets to preserve capital and earn modest returns. This investment strategy typically includes options like savings accounts, term deposits, and money market funds, which offer stability and easy access to your money. While cash investments provide safety and liquidity, they usually offer lower returns compared to other asset classes. They are ideal for short-term goals or as a conservative component of a diversified portfolio. Balancing cash investments with other growth-oriented assets can help manage risk while still working towards your financial objectives.

      Irecon Insurance services Pty Ltd is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Insurance Advisernet Australia Pty Ltd. AFSL 240549. Corporate Authorised Representative No. 355956. Irecon is a general Insurance Advising firm offering services to a wide range of corporate, commercial and retail clients. Whilst the company caters to a diverse group of clientele, its specialist area of operation is within the construction and related industry market segment. We recommend them for general Insurance.