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If you’re in your thirties or forties, chances are you’re juggling a career, kids, a mortgage and home improvements – yet amongst these financial responsibilities lie opportunities to get more from your money

It’s common to feel stretched at this stage of life with seemingly endless bills and little disposable income or money to invest but smart choices now can make a big difference to your financial security and flexibility.

One key is managing your debt and cash flow. The demands of buying a home, paying all your children’s needs and lifestyle expenditure can be hard to balance. By doing a budget and taking into account your income and expenditure – including things like holidays, emergency expenses, and even coffees and newspapers – you can see where your money is going and identify where you could cut back. It also helps you realise how much you actually have to spend, rather than just putting things on credit card.

At this stage of life most people have a flourishing career and good earning. By taking adequate cover with income protection, death and disability insurance you can secure peace of mind for you and your family if something unexpected were to happen to you.

 Taking a bit of time to plan can help you balance immediate needs with long-term goals, and work out how and where you should be.

Don’t just let life happen to you at this busy stage. At Grabowski Financial Planning we can show you how to make the most of your finances and help you achieve the lifestyle you want. You don’t have to be wealthy to get value from us.

To make an appointment call Grabowski Financial Planning on 4648 0431.

Located in Narellan, just near the town Centre.

